A Complete Game Changer For Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Who Desire To Grow, Scale & Access New Levels Of Success In Both Their Life & Business.

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We Are A Full Service Business Agency That Provides Access To The Necessary Available Resources That Any Business Owner and Entrepreneur Truly Needs to Leverage Their Time, Money, and Energy to Grow.

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en-sti-gate ® – (verb)

When Idea, Inspiration, and Innovation Collides with Enterprise and the Entrepreneurial Spirit.


Our Programs Are Designed To Meet You Exactly Where Your At In Your Entrepreneurial Journey!

Success Guide

$19.99/week for 13-weeks

($30.00/Set-Up Fee)

  • Lack or Success Book

  • Success Guide Masterclass

  • Success Guide Planner

  • Create Your Vision Workshop

  • Access to Mr. Leads Needs App™, Leads-to-Sales System, and Marketplace.

  • Two (2) Live Weekly Group Coaching Calls

  • 24/7/365 Membership Site with Videos & Meditations

  • Dedicated Account Representative

Growth Guide

$499.99+/week for 52-weeks

($499.99/Set-Up Fee)

  • Full Service Business Agency Service For Scaling

  • Live 1:1 Consulting Calls

  • Capital & Finance Guide

  • Business Credit Guide

  • Bookkeeping Guide

  • Operations Guide

  • IT, Tech, and Software Development Guide

  • enstigate® Success Items

  • enstigate® Cash Flow Items

Enterprise Guide

Funding Varies Per Project

(Set-Up Fee Is Waived)

  • Enterprise Ventures Who Desire To Partner With Us.

  • Must Fit Within The enstigate® Methodology

  • enstigate® Fills In All The Missing Gaps of the Project Which Includes Capital, Available Resources &Team.

  • enstigate® Success Items

  • enstigate® Cash Flow Items

  • enstigate® Growth Items

Success Guide Program

Many CEOs, Business Owners, and Leaders within their companies don't realize that Success Is A Skill Set You Can Master. It can be taught, it can be learned, and it can be applied with consistent results to turn any failure into a success. I remember when this truth dawned on me that anyone could reap the rewards of their specific aims. The key to experiencing any success was that it was a structure. A way of life and business one could implement right away and would actually experience success this time. Self-Mastery of this skill set is not hard to obtain if you have the right amount of accountability supporting you along the journey. All you need is a success guide who has walked this path before you and can help point out the most beneficial areas to focus on until you remember your innate ability to do this all on your own!

Click the video above to play

Growth Guide Program

9 out of 10 Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Succeed with this structured service because it is the right mixture of Time, Support, and Tangible Financial Results which you can rarely find in the marketplace. It has taken years to prove without a shadow of a doubt that we can not only help You grow your business we can do it in a Way that provides Solutions with Your unique needs and wants as well. No more guessing! You will be given a mutually agreeable customized road map of when to execute the right steps, in the right way, at the right time to get the Right End Results Your Seeking.

Click the video above to play

Enterprise Guide Program

Big projects or undertakings can not be treated the same way! It takes consistent application with the right expertise, experience, and support to get your business to this next higher tier level. You need a custom solution and more importantly you need a team with a proven process, the time, and the ability to devote the same level of intensity to see it all the way through to the end. It's not a matter of if, it is a matter of when with this tailored approach. You will get to your end result at the perfect time and it will be a enjoyable process along the way!

Click the video above to play

enstigate® Success In Your Life and Business In 13-Weeks Guaranteed.


Learn More About What Is Possible When You Access The Right Money At The Right Time In The Right Way!


Experienced Professionals In Every Position Aligned To Your Success.

Brian Rassi


Brian is in charge of all Guided Programs, Vision, and Mission of enstigate going forward. Let's just say the man who makes all the key decisions of the company.

Kellyann Rassi


Kellyann is in charge of all of enstigate's social media, display ads, and online messaging for both enstigate and our clients. See helps you get seen.

Tim Rassi


Tim is enstigate's Certified Financial Analyst. He focuses on Financial Modeling, Bookkeeping, and Structuring of Custom Projects when it comes to Financial Matters.

Mr. Leads Needs™


This is a leads-to-sales system designed to systemize and scale businesses who desiring to grow. It will allow you to have predicable and consistent cash flow.

Skosh Rassi


Skosh is in charge of ensuring the enstigate® brand and supporting companies brands are properly showcased in the public eye.

Kali Rassi


Kali is in charge of protecting and helping out with all our clients pets needs. She is very seasoned in her ways and I would think twice about crossing her.

Tom Hundley


Tom is in charge of enstigate's software development solutions and ensuring our clients available resources are utilized in correctly when it comes to all things software.

Mr. Scott Reese


Mr. Reese is involved in exploring new ventures with select business projects who align and can be better served with the enstigate® methodology.

You Can Join Us


We're always looking for talented people to help support our customers and clients in growing and scaling their businesses. In God We Trust and All Things Are Possible.

enstigate® Success In Your Life and Business In 13-Weeks Guaranteed.


Here's Everything You Need To Know About Us!

What is enstigate™?

We are a full-service business agency with a results-oriented approach which helps remove essentially all barriers to business growth through a unique structure of planning, mindset mastery plus extensive financial expertise. We love seeing the success our clients achieve by being able to finally say "Yes" to the right money, at the right time, in the right way, to fulfill their mission and vision for the business.

Who is enstigate™ a good fit for?

For growth-minded business owners and entrepreneurs who desire to fulfill their mission and vision for the business while not having to go about it alone. Our most successful clients over the years are the ones who are open to learning and changing the way they approach their business as it relates to structure, planning, mindset mastery, money, financials, marketing, operations, team building, strategy, and ultimately choosing to grow in all areas of their life and business.  Imagine someone who has already traveled the path you’re currently on, can help navigate Any Challenges until You Experience the Successful Outcome You Desire.  With the enstigate approach it's a Matter of When You Reach Your End Destination, Not If.

What is your success rate?

9 out 10 business owners and entrepreneurs achieve success, meaning they get the end results they are seeking to experience!  This is our standard and we go to great lengths to ensure we keep this high level of service going week after week and in most cases year after year as our clients continue to grow with us through their success journey.  Don’t take my word for it, please review our video testimonials, read our case studies, and client reviews about their experiences with us.

How do I get started with enstigate™?

Very simple you can sign-up a 30-minutue discovery call with one of our business guides by clicking one of the many Schedule a Call buttons located on the website and/or you can sign up directly on the website if you already know which program will work best for going forward. Please note we always have an onboarding call regardless of the program with a Business Consultant to ensure your placed in the right program that fits the end result you’re seeking.

How Fast Can I Receive Access to the Right Money?

When I state access to the right money, I mean the right money for you at the right time and in the right way. We don’t play around we roll up our sleeves and get to work with our entire inhouse underwriting department.  We have underwriters, certified financial analysts, capital raising specialist, and business analyst who look at tall the information you give us and determine the right amount and the right way to access the right money specific to your situation.  Then once we know the right way to go about it we begin to put that into motion with your complete understanding and approval before we initiate the actions necessary to bring it about.  There are many types of capital: debt, equity, working, and trading.  There is personal and business credit, and even more important in my eyes wasn’t the dollar amount of the capital I got access to it was how it was utilized in my business as a tool. Money is a tool and there are many ways to use it that directly affect your cash flow or bottom line.  We’ll show you how to best use it for your specific situation.  Average timeline varies per business.  As fast as a day or so and as long as multiple months.  Every step or plan is customized based on your specific situation which is why it works so well.

What is Considered Action-Taking and Why It is Important?

enstigate™ by definition is to initiate an action or event in a positive way.  We provide you a proven time and tested actions that you can immediately implement into both your life and business to master the skill set of success.  We practice what we preach by walking the talk on daily and weekly basis showing you the power of aligned action taking with a clear true end result associated with it.   You might have heard the saying you can lead the horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.  The premise is the choice to drink is always reliant on the horse not different than the choice of your life and business is always reliant on you.  We’ll help guide you and in many of our programs we do consistent weekly actions on your behalf to ensure the end result is experienced. You still need to show up and do your actions as well.  This way we both are in the same boat, rowing downstream in unison. This is how we enstigate™ success.

What Confidentiality, Security, and Compliance measures do you take?

Here at enstigate™ we constantly are striving to ensure your private personal and business information is secure and kept under confidentiality as well. We provide the highest security grade online protection of your financial documents. We ensure only our underwriting department and select personnel see only the information then need to see at any given time to help be the liaison of that information with the financial institution we are in talks with your permission.   You are given access to this information and only you upload that information into this secure portal true your secure portal link.  We do everything we can think off to securely protect your sensitive information such as Social Security numbers, credit cards, banking information from anyone who doesn’t need to know period.

Do I have direct contact with the account manager & business consultant?

Yes of course. You will be supported by multiple enstigate™ team members throughout your experience with us.  A designated account manager is there to ensure everyone stays on task each week.  This position is like the point guard on a basketball team.  Their job is to distribute the ball and facilitate the play (aka weekly actions) once it has been called by both you and business consultant.  In many cases along your journey, you will reach out to your account manager and/or your business consultant depending on your program. In many cases we’ll bring in other team members into your file to ensure the success such as our underwriting, sales, marketing, operations, etc.  Your main contact will be the account manager and it is their job to facilitate the weekly actions from there. 

What is a Full-Service Business Agency?

We are a full-service business agency. We help guide you with capital, finances, credit, mindset, planning, partners, JVs, operations, sales, marketing, customer service, pricing, acquisitions, exits, insurance, branding, and pretty much any other items that directly affect your ability to grow the business going forward.  Our pricing, conversations and scope of work is exponential and already includes the execution of many services you need to grow.  As you get more involved with our programs, you’ll quickly realize that we provide you leverage beyond the normal scope of our supposed competitors.

Why do I need enstigate™?

Money loves structure! Regardless of your business age, industry, type, size, product, or service, it takes access to capital to support your big vision. It really hard to scale a business on just cash flow alone. It places too much pressure on everything going right and history has proven that!  According to e-myth 96% of all businesses fail before their first 10 years.  Which begs the question what do the 4% of successful business do that the rest don’t do?  The answer is they create structure!  We spent close to two decades figuring that information out and we bring that knowledge with specific services and tools that are tailored to you specifically in a structured way that you can actually implement into both your life and business to reap the end results your ultimately envisioning. 

When should I reach out to enstigate™ for help?

If you’re seeking and/or experiencing growth in your business in some shape or form then that is the right time to reach out. We work with everyone, and we meet you exactly where you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey.  The worst you can do is wait until you’re exhausted all your available resources such as time, money, and energy trying to figure it out on your own.  We have been there, made mistakes, and solved the problems already for you, so you can accelerate forward consciously avoiding the common pitfalls most business owners face on a daily basis.

How much does enstigate™ support cost?

Please reference our pricing tab and each programs service page for the full scope of products, services, and deliverables. We have three types of programs with action plans that build upon each other.  A program by definition is a plan of action with a specific end in mind.   

What happens after I submit my request for a discovery call?

You will get on a 1-on-1 live zoom call with one of our business consultants who will help you gain extreme clarity on what is possible and what is available to get you to your end result of the business.  If we can help, we will state that and if not you will still be given extreme amounts of value for getting on the call and we can direct you to alternative resources as well.  The goal is to guide you in any way we can on your current journey.

Does Your Service Help Build Credit?

Yes it does! Did you know 9 out of 10 businesses never build business credit. Which is why everything we do as it relates to our services, credit providers, and lenders has multiple benefits associated with it.  We utilize a lot of specific vendors for our client who not only accomplish the financial solution necessary for the specific goal in mind but they help build your business credit along the way as well.  This becomes very important as we start stacking products and services that enhance that business credit going forward.  As you begin to access more and more business credit facilities that you can use to accelerate forward your business we’ll dwindle any reliance on personal credit which will improve your credit score.  We more importantly show you have to structure your new found credit in a way to properly balance your liquidity to always be in an optimal position as a business owner. 

What is my guarantee?

If you complete one of our 13 and/or 52-week programs and don’t feel like we 10X your time, project, knowledge, capital access, life, and business to your satisfaction then you will be eligible for our 10X Satisfaction Guarantee. This is where we work with you for no additional compensation until we do.  Our track record is 9 out of 10 get to where they want to go with our products and services. We’re confident that if we take you on as a client you we’ll do everything in our power to ensure you get what you’re seeking to get and then some.  If you show up and we don’t deliver to your satisfaction for some reason we’ll keep working at no additional cost to you on the 10X Satisfaction Guarantee until we do.

What is the payment process?

Once you select, review, and accept the terms of the agreed upon program you will enter into a subscription fee payment process with either your business bank account and/or your credit card, that collects first and last payment upfront immediately. Then every week we will charge that subscription fee payment amount until your no longer require our services.  This weekly payment process is designed to ensure both you and enstigate are properly aligned to get to the right end destination together.  It applies the right amount of financial tension between both you and us to ensure the proper actions are taken week in and week out to ensure a successful and satisfactory outcome is obtained.

How do I know which is the best service for me?

These are the best rules of thumb based on my many years of experience dealing with our business owners and entrepreneurs.

  1. First look at the opportunity cost of not taking action with one of our programs. In basic terms if you don’t do anything then what are you missing out on both growth and accessing the right money for not taking action. 

  1. Second how well do you work in group support versus 1-on-1 support.  Meaning are you disciplined to make the group calls to get your questions answered or do you need a set time with one of our business consultants that focuses you on getting your questions answered?  Know thyself is important.

  1. Third is how much time do you have to work on your life and business. Meaning the more time, you have the less you have to spend with our services because we’re using less human capital to do it.  The less time you have the more you have to invest with our services because we’re doing the heavy lifting.

  1. Fourth is the knowledge and experience gap in certain areas. Even if you know how to do it doesn’t mean you should do it.  It’s your job as CEO to begin to leverage the available resources properly to move your projects forward.

    Analyze all these factors and determine which service gives you the best opportunity to maximize your return on investment going forward.

What makes enstigate™ different from others?

  1. We pride ourselves on providing exponential value you can’t find under one company and packaged it in a way you can afford to pay for it.  We are very conscious and conscientious of your cash flow and liquidity situation at all times. I truly believe the level of value compared to the pricing we charge is extremely understated. 

  2. Real Life and Business Utility! Every deliverable and action will bring you an instant shift or a tools at your fingertips to utilize so you can experience the vision and mission of the business.

  3. Proven results over an extended period of time with case studies and testimonials from our clients for your review. Not our words, there words, on what you can expect with working with enstigate. 

  4. We care and we treat your business as if it is our own. We’re invested financially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically into what you’re trying to create, and it will show week-in and week -out as you get involved with our programs, but we do it with enough distance to guide you through your business.

  5. We have experience with the many complex structures at play for the CEO, team members, partners/significant others, and business at anyone given time in conjunction with your life and business visions. This in-depth understanding has allowed us the ability to create a structured framework to allow you to plug into the right solution and utilize it right away with any situation that arises.

Every CEO and Business Owner has gaps in their business. These gaps range from experience, mindset, structure, access to cash flow, financing or funding, credit, available resources, knowledge, management tools, operations, marketing, sales, and solutions. Here at enstigate™ we help you fill in your gaps so you can access the right money, at the right time, in the right way to fulfill the mission and vision for the business.

We do this through a proprietary structure of strategic cash flow, planning, mindset, and extensive business and financial expertise that essentially removes all barriers to growth in both your life and business.

With this type of money structure and guidance it’s a matter of when you succeed not if which is why you will experience your true end goals within our programs.

Everything has been vetted out and proven to work for years with a 9 out of 10 success rate and is backed by our industry leading 10X Satisfaction Guarantee!

If you join one of our programs and initiate the specific actions or events you desire into your life and business and don’t feel you got a 10X Return on Your Investment (ROI) then will work for Free until You do.

The definition of satisfaction in the dictionary is the fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from the action.

I would like to add some additional tangible items that we use to measure the 10X Satisfaction Guarantee such as increased access to money, credit, savings, people, structure, time, connections, health, knowledge, clarity, vitality, mindset, and most importantly your ability to experience your end goals and true choices.

The most highly valuable service I can ever offer you is your ability to master yourself, your money, your time, and your business in a proven format with an experienced guide that will fill in the gaps specific to you while providing you timely Solutions, Accountability, and an Incredible Return on Your Investment (ROI) with a 10X Satisfaction Guarantee all within an affordable price that meets you exactly where you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey.

This is our core value proposition, and it would be wise choice to review what enstigate™ can do for you in both your life and business going forward.

We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you in the very near future!


Brian Rassi

CEO and Co-Founder of enstigate™

enstigate® Success In Your Life and Business In 13-Weeks Guaranteed.


Don't Take Our Word For It Hear It From Your Peers Below.

RECEIVED $175,000

"With enstigate's help we were able to build a successful business plan, roll-out strategy, structure the company and tap into our true authentic power in order to attract the team members necessary to fulfill our purpose and mission. We were able to gain momentum and feel confident when presenting our plan to investors who eventually placed over $175,000 to get our start-up off the ground!" - GREG H. & MICHAEL C.

RECEIVED $1,000,000

"enstigate™ helped me get access to a $1,000,000 credit line within 3-4 weeks for my real estate business. I can now easily acquire and fix up properties on a continuous basis! Complete game changer going into this real estate market were I can make cash offers and buy homes within days!" - ARTURAS S.

RECEIVED $375,000

"With enstigate™, I was able to build a business plan, raise $375,000 dollars, set-up the business, bring most of the necessary vendors to the table, structure the operations, develop a sustainable marketing plan and launch my company in less than 88 days!" - TONY W.

RECEIVED $58,900

"I was able to get a business loan for a total of $38,900, in less than a week, with bad credit, no upfront cash and no recent tax return to show the bank! Then Enstigate helped me structured a successful online marketing strategy to establish me as a local market leader and attract high-end clients to me each and every month consistently. As my business grew I needed more capital and Enstigate was able to get an additional $20,000 business loan giving me the extra capital necessary to sustain growth." - MICHAEL P.

RECEIVED $150,000

"enstigate™ was able to payoff a high interest loan to give me the working capital necessary to capitalize on a huge new contract with a national grocery to double my business within the next year and cut my monthly payments by 40%!" - ERIC H.

RECEIVED $60,000

"enstigate™ helped me get $60,000 of credit lines within 3 weeks for our restaurant which was experiencing a down month and we were heading into the holiday season. Now we are properly positioned to capitalize on the local catering market to expand our revenue for next year by over $200,000!!" - GREG T.

RECEIVED $32,000

"enstigate™ helped me get $8,000 right away when no one wanted to lend me any money. I was growing and just didn't meet the normal requirements for most lenders. As we continued to grow Enstigate got me another advance of $24,000 so we could buy more inventory and merchandise at discounted prices, etc." - GEORGE D.

RECEIVED $41,000

"enstigate™ was able to get us $41,000 with no doc requirements for a start-up because we needed to lock up the space next door to expand!!" - LUIS M

RECEIVED $45,000

"Just did my first draw on the line of credit, tight payroll week....they increased me to $45K too...crazy, again, how easy that was. THANK YOU." - BRIAN W.

RECEIVED $381,000

"enstigate was able to get us $381,000 within the first 8 weeks of working together. This allowed us to restructure our business model, convert 1099 contractors into stable employees, offer benefits, restructure our service offerings, let go of our most unprofitable accounts, hire the right team to scale operations, and help train my COO for the position. " - CHRISTINA H.

RECEIVED $685,000

"Needed a custom solution fast to navigate our short term cash flow crunch with our suppliers and vendors. In a matter of weeks we accessed what we needed to survive. Then enstigate developed a plan to help us access an additional $800,000 without giving up equity to fuel our growth for 2022. While providing cash flow management and hiring tools to help us expand our team so we can go from 7 to 8 figures this year!" - KARTHIK S. & LUKE M.

RECEIVED $145,000

"The enstigate™ team and program has substantially increased our ability to access the right money to support multiple events and projects. Every week I'm gaining a much better grasp of my business and model without the lack of direction I was experiencing before.” - NETTIE O.

RECEIVED $350,000

“enstigate™ helped us access $350,000 to further support our growth while creating a customized financial model that allowed me to save an additional investment of $583,000 into the expansion of new partnership division. Countless times have they structured and analyzed my investments to ensure a successful outcome.” -BRIAN I.

RECEIVED $300,000

"It all flowed into business over a couple of weeks. Every time I talked to enstigate™ there process exposed many little items that needed to be cleared up to prepare me for the money ahead of time. I never realized how much goes into it. I'm appreciative of their expertise and sensitivity to my journey." - TOM H.

RECEIVED $500,000

"Needed to get financially set for the upcoming freeze to ensure I have access to enough resources to make payroll.
enstigate™ set me up with a local funder who sat and got to know my business inside and out securing a $500,000 at a moments notice when I need to use it. ” - BRENDAN I..

enstigate® Success In Your Life and Business In 13-Weeks Guaranteed. - Only $30.00 Set-up & $19.99/week for 13-Weeks!

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+ Earnings from the use of this service varies on each business owner, entrepreneur, industry, business, campaign, and sales process, etc. There is no guarantee to earn any income.